Cooking with Jason

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Six down, one to go

Last day of fish tomorrow, and boy, is the entire class ready for it to be over. Testing tomorrow is just like we had in meat: ID test, written test, yield test. Except that instead of winding down by making sausage, we'll be having a caviar and vodka tasting. No, seriously. Other culinary schools don't taste caviar. Other culinary schools don't taste turbot, either, but vodka and caviar? I've eaten caviar once, any my reaction was, "What's all the fuss about?" I'll let you know how it goes this time around.

After tomorrow I'm off for three full weeks. Upon our return, we'll be in Skill Development I with chef Alberto Vanoli, a relatively young Italian. As far as we can tell, we'll be his very first class. I have no idea what this will mean as far as class goes, but it goes without saying that he'll be quite a bit different than Chef Clark... but who wouldn't?


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