Cooking with Jason

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Getting serious now

Two mid-terms tomorrow: Math (easy) and Product Knowledge (scary). Two more next Tuesday: Food Safety (not worried) and Gastronomy (after last time, you never know). At least we got that Gastronomy project out of the way last week, eh? Good call on my part. I'd hate to be worrying about that as well as these four mid-terms.

OK, I have to go study up on my lettuces, salad greens, cooking greens, cabbages, stalks, mushrooms, tubers, and onions for tomorrow. Ack, and re-submit my product specification sheet. Nearly forgot about that one.

After tomorrow there are only two more weeks of B-block, and then it's on to meat and fish fabrication. Out of the classroom and into the kitchen!


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